Friday, March 27, 2015

Chocolate Coconut Milk Shake

1 can coconut milk or cream (chilled or frozen until slushy)
2-3 HEAPING tablespoons of raw cacao
2-3 HEAPING tablespoons birch xylitol (or coconut sugar or any sugar)
½ capful vanilla
1 cup ice

Makes 2 servings.

Put everything in blendtec and blend using Ice Cream setting.  Best if eaten right away.  Don't eat too much if made with xylitol.

*NOTE: Before using xylitol, put about a cup of xylitol in the food processor and blend until fine.  Set aside to use in recipes like this.  

**NOTE: Eating too much xylitol in one setting will give you a gassy do not do it. 

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